Nejuniverzálnější styl, freeridové splitboardy jsou quiver-of-one desky postavené tak, aby zvládly nejrůznější terény, včetně hlubokého prašanu, jarního kukuřice a linií velkých hor. Mezi běžné funkce v této kategorii patří středně tuhý flex pro stabilitu ve strmém terénu, směrový dvojitý tvar s výrazným poklesem a profil kolébky, který upřednostňuje plovák před rychlostí a kontrolou hrany. Freerideové desky jsou v nejhlubších prašanových dnech o něco kratší a nejsou vždy nejlepšími hráči na skin tracku, ale jsou zdaleka nejvšestrannější možností a naší nejlepší volbou pro většinu jezdců. Mezi naše oblíbené freeridové designy patří Lib Tech Split BRD, Jones Hovercraft Split a CAPiTA Neo Slasher.
[ přehled pánských splitboardů ]

V roce 2021 budou splitboardy specifické pro ženy mnohem víc než jen různě zbarvené a menší verze jejich protějšků. Nejlepší dámské desky berou v úvahu ženské tělo s užší šířkou (ženy mají obecně menší nohy vzhledem k jejich výšce než muži) a měkčími flexy, aby se spojily se světlejšími rámy. Desky specifické pro ženy jsou k dispozici také v řadě kratších délek a přicházejí s jedinečnými designy a základními deskami a barevnými odstíny. Weston vede v žebříčku ženských splitboardů se čtyřmi v době vydání, včetně Rise, Riva, Seeker a Eclipse. Pokud je to možné, uvedeme výše uvedené vyhrazené modely pro ženy a doufáme, že s vývojem trhu se objeví další možnosti. Nakonec mějte na paměti, že ženy s většími chodidly nebo agresivnějšími styly mohou na konci upřednostňovat mužský model – je to všechno o vašich jízdních preferencích a prioritách.
[ přehled dámských splitboardů ]


Přehled pánských splitboardů

Lib Tech T.RICE ORCA SPLITboard 2021

Your favorite power fish has just been filleted into a fast climbing adventure vehicle. A long floaty nose and wide body float pow efficiently and effortlessly. The powerful poppy contact maximizing “whale tail technology” maneuvers with agility in steep or tight technical terrain and hooks up solidly when things get tight and icy out there. Built in our ultralight SC construction with FSC certified aspen and paulownia core this Orca moves well through gravitational forces. A rugged, fast sintered base, 3-D integrated tip inserts and Karakouram ultra clips round out this whale of a split board.

(156 cm, 159 cm)

Jones Solution Splitboard 2021

If you’ve got a powder problem then Jones has certainly got the Solution to fix it! If there is any brand out there to trust right out of the gate on backcountry snowboarding gear, it’s gotta be Jones. Jeremy Jones, the AK and backcountry legend is at the helm of Jones Snowboards, and you know he and his team are logging countless hours refining these things on burly terrain, overnight trips, and in all kinds of conditions.

(154 cm, 158 cm, 159W cm, 161 cm, 162W cm, 164 cm, 165W cm, 167 cm, 169W cm)

Arbor Coda Camber Splitboard 2021

If you think about it, a day splitboarding is much like a dance. First you have to assess the tone of the day. Are you keeping it mellow below the treeline, or is it going to be a full-on big mountain day? You have to stay in sync with your equipment. You must trust your steps. The top of your line is the crescendo, but the descent is what we’re really waiting for. This is where the Arbor Coda comes in, to carry you gracefully back the way you came, grinning ear to ear as you bash and slash to the beat.

(158 cm, 161 cm, 164 cm)

Lib Tech Split BRD Splitboard 2021

It’s about time that Lib Tech got in on the splitboard game! Based in the Pacific Northwest since basically the beginning of time, or at least since 1977, Lib Tech and Mervin Manufacturing have been producing some of the finest snow-sliding craft the world has ever seen. It’s no surprise that their first foray into the production splitboard world is a doozy. If you are trying to fly uphill and on the way down, the Split BRD is the ultimate co-pilot.

(151 cm, 156 cm, 159 cm, 162W cm, 167W cm)

Ride Splitpig Splitboard 2021

This little piggy went to market, this little piggy went to school, this little piggy went into the high alpine and did something wayyy cool. With its signature short and wide profile, the acclaimed Ride Warpig always looked like it would make a killer split, so cutting that squeeler in half was a no brainer. The Ride Splitpig Splitboard borrows the same shape and flex, with a directional hybrid camber profile for grip on the climb and Performance™ Core construction for strength on the way down. It even includes pre-cut skins and pucks built to accommodate a variety of binding systems. The skin track won't know what hit it - this is the split you've been waiting for.

(148 cm, 154 cm)

Burton Family Tree Hometown Hero 2021

There's no point in a splitboard that's good at going up if it's not just as good at going down. That's why Burton based this slick split on one of their most beloved members of the Family Tree. The Burton Family Tree Hometown Hero Splitboard gives you the full-on charging, slashing, floating fun of the Hometown Hero, but in an upwardly mobile package. Roast your friends in the switchbacks, then saddle up and get sendy on the way back down.

(144 cm, 148 cm, 152 cm, 156 cm, 160 cm, 156W cm, 160W cm, 165W cm)

Nitro Nomad Splitboard 2021

The Nitro Nomad Splitboard is an affordable, feature-rich option for earning your turns without breaking the bank. Built with Nitro s Flat-Out Rocker, this do anything, go anywhere deck delivers a loose feel in deep snow for easy pow slashing, along with confident, firm edghold in spicier terrain. Rock solid tip and tail hooks deliver a slop free ride, and it even comes pre-drilled for speedy transitions with Nitro x Kohla skins. Say goodbye to the resort, it's time to forge your own path on the Nomad.

(156 cm, 161 cm, 165 cm)

Jones Ultracraft Splitboard 2021

Jones know that it pays to be light on your feet when you're gunning for far flung objectives deep in the backcountry. That's why they designed the Jones Ultracraft Splitboard with premium Fusion Core construction and their all new Fusion Carbon layup for an ultra lightweight feel that doesn't skimp on power and precision when you open up the throttle in big terrain. Rider friendly features like Traction Tech inner edges, quick tension tail notches, and bomber Karakoram hardware make backcountry travel and transitions easy, while the stubby swallow tail, blunt nose and 3D Contour Base 3.0 shaping turn it into a fall line missile you can count on when you crank it up to warp speed.

(156 cm, 160 cm)

Nitro Doppleganger Splitboard 2021

If you're the hero in your crew who's always scouting new lines, always volunteering to break trail, and always stoked to be in the backcountry no matter what, you're gonna love the Nitro Doppleganger Splitboard. It's built with Nitro s cutting edge Koroyd® Power Core for lightweight skin track performance and downhill strength, with carbon fiber Diamond Laminates for effortless handling and response at top speeds. From your icy chutes, chunky cliff drops, and open throttle runouts to good old fashioned hippy pow surf sessions, the Doppleganger is the ultimate backcountry partner.

(148 cm, 152 cm, 156 cm, 160 cm, 164 cm)

Burton Family Tree Hometown Hero X Splitboard 2021

Burton took one their most bomber, versatile freeride shapes, gave it the top-shelf Mystery Construction treatment, and sent it through the table saw for some extrajudicial hometown shredding. The Burton Family Tree Hometown Hero X Splitboard is a leveled-up backcountry version of their legendary ripper that goes up as well as it goes down, with a superlight Mystery Glass layup and an illegally fast Methlon base. Get up, get down, and get around your hometown on this sick split.

(150 cm, 154 cm, 158 cm, 162 cm)

Weston Backwoods Splitboard 2021

When you think about your ideal splitboard, there's probably a lot that comes to mind. You want something versatile and capable of handling the varied terrain and snow conditions that you find in the backcountry, but you want it to be powerful too. No point sacrificing enjoyment on the best days just to make the crummy days less crummy. You want something that can float through the pow stashes, inspire confidence hopping down icy chutes, and allow for playful riding on those perfect sunny corn laps. You want the Weston Backwoods Splitboard. It's just a darn good board that's fun to ride, super versatile, and above all reliable for whatever the wilderness has in store.

(152 cm, 157 cm, 157W cm, 160 cm, 160W cm, 163 cm, 163W cm)

Burton Family Tree Pow Wrench Splitboard 2021

Are you sick of the resort getting tracked out by 10AM every powder day? We can't do anything about that, but we can let you in on a little secret: there's always untracked snow somewhere on our little corner of the solar system. If you go far enough into the backcountry, and have enough dedication to the sacred act of sliding sideways through fluff, your efforts will always be rewarded. The Burton Family Tree Pow Wrench Splitboard is the tool of choice for powder aficionados who want the goods and are willing to work for it. It rides short and fat, which means less weight on the uphill, easier handling on kick turns, and better float for when you inevitably find that sleeper stash of white gold.

(146 cm, 154 cm)

Arbor Bryan Iguchi Pro Splitboard 2021

Get out there. Way out there. Bryan Iguchi levels of out there, on the Arbor Bryan Iguchi Pro Splitboard. This is a big-mountain splitboard for getting into a boxing match with nature and going twelve rounds with a smile on your face, crafted with the unrivaled Arbor highland split core and a Sintered Plus base. That means you can go super fast with superior durability, even deep into the backcountry, all without compromising on sustainability. Now you've got to work on that beard and move into a cabin in the country to pursue your gnarliest powder dreams.

(159 cm, 162 cm, 163MW cm)

Yes. Optisplitstic Splitboard 2021

Fashionably late to the party, the Yes Optisplitstic Snowboard is their first snow sliding device of the splitboard variety. Yes worked with Eagle Pass Heli Guides and Spark R&D to take the Optimistic's versatile and powerful design and bring you a fine splitboarding specimen. From the robust torsional flex to the reliable clips and freeride shape, the Optisplitstic will quickly help you forget about the leg burn and guide you down the mountain in pure delight.

(159 cm, 165 cm)

Korua Shapes Escalator Plus Splitboard 2021

Designed to fly both up- and downhill, the Korua Shapes Escalator Plus Splitboard lets you get the most out of your backcountry experience. Extremely light and poppy, the Escalator Plus won't let you down on any part of your day--with a Float Camber profile that works with a directional taper to get you up to speed in any snow. Short of an actual escalator, this is the best way to get to the top of an untracked bowl.

(152 cm, 157 cm, 162 cm)

GNU Gorp Splitboard 2021

Splitboarding is hard. Did we already say that? Probably, but the fact remains. Sometimes you need a little pick me up and that’s where some good old fashioned Gorp can come in handy - The GNU Gorp to be specific! Granola, nuts, raisins, and two skis on your feet will get you to the top of your line! Following Lib Tech’s first foray into the split world, GNU certainly didn’t want to be left behind on the skintrack.

(151 cm, 159 cm, 163 cm)


NITRO Squash je univerzální Allmountain prkno, vhodné do širokého spektra podmínek. Nejlépe se s ním však budete cítit v hlubokém prašanu, ve kterém pluje jako loď a díky klasickému true camber profilu vyřezává zatáčky jedna báseň. Tento energický model si však poradí i s nerovným, rozježděným terénem na sjezdovce a jedná se tak o ultimátní prkno pro jezdce, kteří hledají variabilní snowboard pro svahové ježdění mimo park.

(152 cm, 159 cm, 163 cm)

CAPiTA Neo Slasher Splitboard 2021

CAPiTA is best known for their pipe- and park-focused snowboards, but they’re off to a promising start with their first splitboard design: the Neo Slasher. The recipe is familiar—a directional twin shape (CAPiTA lists the Neo Slasher as directional, but among splitboards it’s a directional twin) with a medium-stiff flex—but it’s softer than more mountaineering-focused competitors like the Jones Solution and Weston Backwoods Carbon above. This translates to a surfy personality that excels in powder. We’ve ridden CAPiTA boards in the park for years and love their playful, poppy style, and the Neo Slasher carries the torch.

(155 cm, 159 cm, 162 cm, 164 cm)

Lib Tech T.RICE GOLDMEMBER Splitboard 2021

Travis dreams big. He pushed our experiMENTAL Division to come up with a lightweight construction that would still ride with power precision and stability and then he asked us to cut it in half and still feel like a single unit ultra-light tips and tails, Balsa and Paulownia core, smooth Basalt fiber and 3-D integrated tip inserts. This board is ready for whatever line you and Travis are.

(159 cm, 163 cm)

K2 Marauder Splitboard 2021

Splitboarding is truly a unique experience and a whole different way to interact with the environment that snowboarders call home. The Marauder is purpose built to get you into the backcountry utilizing our BAP core, tip-to-tail integrated carbon stringers, and a fully cambered profile that’s complemented by early rise rocker in the tip and just a hint in the tail.

(147 cm, 151 cm, 156 cm, 159 cm, 162 cm, 158W cm, 163W cm, 166W cm)

Never Summer West Bound Splitboard 2021

The Never Summer West Bound X Snowboard is a new member of Never Summer s Shaper series and features mellow taper and a powerful Recluse Web Carbon layup. Crafted with a floaty Fusion Rocker Camber that harnesses the best of the rocker and camber worlds, this board is fast, responsive, and insanely versatile. With a lightweight core and Phantom Hooks to make the climb easier, the West Bound makes the most of the backcountry.

(155 cm, 157 cm, 163 cm, 158W cm, 161W cm)

Burton Family Tree Hometown Hero Camber Splitboard 2021

Because sometimes the best backcountry experiences come with mixed conditions and unexpected terrain, you need a board that rises to every challenge. The Family Tree Hometown Hero Splitboard works well just about anywhere you drop it. Its directional shape and taper keep it agile in powder, while the Split Channel mounting system makes for smooth transitions. From floating through open powder stashes to working through variable conditions, its versatility shines bright no matter where you wind up.

(146 cm, 150 cm, 154 cm, 158 cm, 162 cm, 168 cm)

Jones Frontier Splitboard 2021

The Frontier features a floaty, freeride nose for pow crushing and crud busting matched with a freestyle tail that’s perfect for popping pillows and stomping cliff drops. On icy skin tracks or firm descents, the Directional Rocker profile and Inner/Outer Traction Tech 2.0 edges provide confident stability and edge grip. The Frontier Split offers high performance without skimping on materials as it’s built with our new Sintered 8000 base, an Eco-plastic topsheet and a new Classic V-Core that is specially profiled for added pop between the feet. New for 2021, the Frontier Split has easily replaceable, screw mounted Karakoram tip clips.

(152 cm, 156 cm, 158W cm, 159 cm, 161W cm, 162 cm, 164W cm)


Built to take freeride further into the unknown, the XV SPLIT is the splitboard version of Xavier De Le Rue's signature pro model snowboard. Featuring the same directional shape, flex profile, and Serrated Edge technology as the standard XV, this splitboard version retains the original's hard-charging characteristics so you can attack the biggest, boldest, and most remote backcountry lines.

(159 cm, 163 cm, 167 cm)

Gara Enduro X2 Splitboard 2021

Enduro je všestranný Freeride splitboard s directional shapem, rockrovanou špicí a pintailovou patou. Radius je středně točivý, zaručující stabilitu ve větší rychlosti. Mezi špičkou a patou je radius napojen pomocí reverse radiusu, jež zaručuje snadné překlápění z hrany na hranu. Profil je tvořen kembrem s vrcholem pod přední nohou, jež přechází v rockerovanou špičku a patu.

(147 cm, 153 cm, 153W cm, 159 cm, 159W cm, 164 cm, 168 cm)

Přehled dámských splitboardů

Jones Women’s Solution Splitboard 2021

Splitboarding is hard. Did we already say that? Probably, but the fact remains. Sometimes you need a little pick me up and that’s where some good old fashioned Gorp can come in handy - The GNU Gorp to be specific! Granola, nuts, raisins, and two skis on your feet will get you to the top of your line! Following Lib Tech’s first foray into the split world, GNU certainly didn’t want to be left behind on the skintrack.

(146 cm, 149 cm, 152 cm, 155 cm)

Jones Women’s Dream Catcher Splitboard 2021

If it ain’t broke don’t fix it! That’s what they say right? Jones takes this adage seriously with this year’s Women’s Dream Catcher Splitboard. Built atop the extremely popular Dream Catcher shape, this ride is equipped with a directional rocker profile, a medium flexing V-core, and a set back stance. It’s meant to perform predictably all over the mountain, but obviously it’s best enjoyed in the deep stuff.

(145 cm, 148 cm, 151 cm, 154 cm)

Arbor Women’s Swoon Splitboard 2021

Contrary to its namesake, you certainly will NOT be going head over heels when riding the 2021 Arbor Swoon Splitboard. More like head over hills, if you get what we’re saying! Featuring Arbor’s System Rocker and a medium flex profile, the Swoon is perfect for staying afloat in pow. It’s subtle shape means it's at home on harpack, and you’ll have stable and easy to maneuver skis on the ascent.

(148 cm, 152 cm, 156 cm)

Rossignol Diva Splitboard 2021

Sure, resorts are cool, but have you ever felt the heart pounding thrill of dropping into a line you conquered with your own two feet? The Rossignol Diva Splitboard is built for the freerider looking beyond the ropes for their thrills. It has a directional twin profile combined with Rossignol s 5S Serrated Edge technology to bite into firm snow and ice, and the AmpTek Elite Rocker means the turns down are worth every drop of sweat on the way up. You deserve more than the same old same old this season - it's all within reach on the Rossignol Diva Splitboard.

(152 cm)

GNU Gorp Splitboard 2021

Splitboarding is hard. Did we already say that? Probably, but the fact remains. Sometimes you need a little pick me up and that’s where some good old fashioned Gorp can come in handy - The GNU Gorp to be specific! Granola, nuts, raisins, and two skis on your feet will get you to the top of your line! Following Lib Tech’s first foray into the split world, GNU certainly didn’t want to be left behind on the skintrack.

(151 cm, 159 cm, 163 cm)

Nitro Squash Splitboard - Women's 2021

Why do we struggle up gnarly skin tracks for hours on end? Easy: because we have boards like the Nitro Squash Splitboard that make it so. heckin'. fun on the way down. This go-anywhere split tackles backcountry missions with uncanny style thanks to a lightweight but strong Powerlite Core that hits the sweet spot for both uphill and downhill needs. Trüe Camber ensures ample stability, pop, and responsiveness, while the tapered swallowtail shape and progressive sidecut make for a seriously surfy ride when you find the goods. The Squash Splitboard is so good, you might even start to enjoy the kick turns.

(148 cm, 152 cm, 159 cm, 163 cm)

NITRO VOLTA Splitboard 2021

Split boarding is all about exploring and breaking away from the daily hustle and routine, which is why we have created the Volta to allow every woman to be able to do so. Do what you have always dreamed of doing ditch the lift lines and use this user-friendly splitboard to go explore what the mountain has to offer, with control and ease on the way up and full style and confidence on the way down.

(151 cm)

Burton Family Tree Hometown Hero Camber Splitboard 2021

Because sometimes the best backcountry experiences come with mixed conditions and unexpected terrain, you need a board that rises to every challenge. The Family Tree Hometown Hero Splitboard works well just about anywhere you drop it. Its directional shape and taper keep it agile in powder, while the Split Channel mounting system makes for smooth transitions. From floating through open powder stashes to working through variable conditions, its versatility shines bright no matter where you wind up.

(146 cm, 150 cm, 154 cm, 158 cm, 162 cm, 168 cm)

Burton Family Tree Hometown Hero 2021

There's no point in a splitboard that's good at going up if it's not just as good at going down. That's why Burton based this slick split on one of their most beloved members of the Family Tree. The Burton Family Tree Hometown Hero Splitboard gives you the full-on charging, slashing, floating fun of the Hometown Hero, but in an upwardly mobile package. Roast your friends in the switchbacks, then saddle up and get sendy on the way back down.

(144 cm, 148 cm, 152 cm, 156 cm, 160 cm, 156W cm, 160W cm, 165W cm)

Weston Riva Splitboard 2021

Built to charge the steepest lines, the Riva splitboard will float in powder, provide unrelenting edgehold on variable terrain and still offer a forgiving enough flex to keep you nimble. Add in our Split Tech for the uphills and you’ll have optimum skin traction, edge-hold and ease of kick-turns.

(143 cm, 147 cm, 151 cm, 155 cm)